Wednesday, January 12, 2011


And now is another crossbreed animal.

Bull Elk is chosen this time.
I just need its head. So, firstly i Duplicate the background layer.
Hide the background layer, and let the duplicated layer visible.
Eraser tool is used to remove the unwanted part.

The Bull Elk's head is done, and now it is turn for another animal - Rabbit.

After open the rabbit.jpg,Duplicate it and then hide the background picture and let the duplicated picture visible. Alt + Click from the Bull Elk psd file and then move and paste the Bull Elk's head on the Rabbit jpg file.

Seem like the Bull Elk's head are way to small to join the rabbit's body.
So, I click Image> Canvas Size, and then Add extra 4 inch for the whole file.
After done that, there is extra part for me to resize the Bull Elk's Head.

And now, Ctrl + T on the Bull Elk's head and then resize it and join on the rabbit's body.

After that, use Eraser tool to remove the unwanted part on rabbit's layer.
After that, create Layer Mask on Bulk Elk layer.
Use Brush tool to repair the Bulk Elk and then change Brush Preset picker to soft Round. Draw around the joint part of Bull Elk and rabbit on Bulk Elk's layer to let it look more joining.

After done those, Click Image> Image Roatation > Flip canvas Horizontal to change the Crossbreed Animal's face direction.

And the second crossbreed animal is done.

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