Wednesday, January 12, 2011

JASON WONG - PART 3 (Ram + Horse)

 Step 1: Drag the picture of a horse that was downloaded from into the Adobe Photoshop software, then, duplicate the image layer by mouse right-click > Convert to Smart Object > Raterize Layer. Name the layer 'Horse'.

Step 2: Duplicate the 'Horse' layer by dragging it to Create a new layer. Uncheck the eye of the original 'Horse' layer. Then, select Quick Selection Tool and drag the curser throughout only on the body of the horse. Next, go to Select>Refine Edge. In the settings, set 'Output To' to new layers. Then click 'OK'. Not only this will duplicate the 'Horse copy' layer but also will remove the horse' background.

Step 3: Duplicate the 'Horse copy' to create 'Horse copy 2' layer and uncheck the view of the original 'Horse copy' layer. In the 'Horse copy 2', erase the horse' head area by using Eraser Tool.

Step 4: Drag the picture of a ram that was downloaded from into the Adobe Photoshop software, then, duplicate the image layer by mouse right-click > Convert to Smart Object > Raterize Layer. Name the layer 'Ram'

Step 5:  Duplicate the 'Ram' layer by dragging it to Create a new layer. Uncheck the eye of the original 'Ram' layer. Then, select Quick Selection Tool and drag the curser throughout only on the body of the Ram. 

Step 6: Go to Select>Refine Edge. In the settings, use the Refine Radius Tool to expand detection area of the ram's hair and set 'Output To' to new layers. Then click 'OK'. Not only this will duplicate the 'Ram copy' layer but also will remove the ram's background.

Step 7: Drag the 'Ram copy' to on top of the 'Horse copy 2' and adjust the ram's position on the horse concentrating on the ram's head to fit into the horse' body.

Step 8: Duplicate the 'Ram copy' to create 'Ram copy 2' layer and uncheck the view of the original 'Ram copy' layer. Then, using the Eraser Tool, right-click mouse to select a soft round type for the eraser, and carefully erase the ram's body, not the head with its fur.

Step 9: On the layer 'Ram copy 2', select Polygonal Lasso Tool and draw a polygonal shape on the ram's fur. Then, hold [ALT]+[left-click mouse] on the the drawn shape and drag it to one of the horse' legs. When it is done, hold [CTRL]+[D] to deselect or release the drawn shape on the ram's head fur. I named the new layer on the horse' leg as 'pubic hair 1'.

Step 10: Duplicate two times of the layer 'pubic hair 1' and rename them 'pubic hair 2' and 'pubic hair 3'. Adjust them  by putting the two of them on the horse' front legs and another one on the top side of the horse' body.

Step 11: Adjust the Hue/Saturation. For me, I did not change the Hue and Lightness except for the Saturation which I set to -64.

Step 12: Create a new layer for the very first 'Horse' layer. Name the layer as 'Layer 1'. Then, use the  Paint Bucket Tool to fill in the prefered color of choice into the layer.

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