Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I started to do our template design lead by our leader - Zo Phoon.

Step 1, Open a NEW DOCUMENT [A4 in Vertical] 
then apply Blending Option. [Gradient Overlay]

Step 2, Adjusting the Color with Hue and Saturation.

Step 3, Drag the image created before this, arrange it by using Free Transform Tool.

Step 4, Add in Text. [Month Title and Year]

Step 5, Create some Shapes with Rectangle Tool. Arrange it with Free Transform.

Step 6, Create another White Shape below with lower Opacity. [11%]

Step 7, Add in the Dates by using Text Tool. Arrange it nicely and apply color to highlight the [Sunday].

Step 8, Lastly, add in Label that stated who are the designer. Done!

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