Sunday, November 7, 2010


STEP 1 --- Click IMAGE, then select CANVAS SIZE. A box pop out. I change both the width and height to 1000 pixels. This act will give you a larger space to work on.

STEP 2 --- Use PAINT BUCKET TOOL to drop red colour on the empty space.

STEP 3 --- Open the original cheetah and drag it to the new document window. Rename it to CHEETAH HAIR.

STEP 4 --- We can't see the hair details clearly after using ERASER. We can use following step to get more detail hair. Click FILTER, select EXTRACT. Select EDGES HIGHLIGHTER TOOLS and start dragging your mouse to highlight the outline of the cheetah. Next, select FILL TOOL or click G button, then click the empty space inside the outline to fill it up. Then, click OK. (I cant use print screen after I open the EXTRACT window, so I can only describe this step by words)

STEP 5 --- Open the bat picture and drag it to your document window.

STEP 6 --- Change the layer name to LEFT WING.

STEP 7 --- Click EDIT, select TRANSFORM and select FLIP HORIZONTAL.

STEP 8 --- USE ERASER TOOL to erase all part except the left wing. Click EDIT, then FREE TRANSFORM to adjust wing size.

STEP 10 --- Select part of the leopard skin, click EDIT, select COPY and click PASTE. Rename the layer as WING SKIN 1.

STEP 11 --- Move the WING SKIN 1 layer below the LEOPARD layer.

STEP 12 --- Click EDIT, select TRANSFROM, then selsct WARP to reshape the wing so it attach nicely to the wing and the leopard back.


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